Tag Archive: #beach

lunar beach

At the beach, there is a tendency to worship all that is sun-oriented, the heat, the bleached sand, the clear skies. And then, if you turn just a little, you spot something altogether… Continue reading

of sea and sand

I finally made it to the beach this summer, albeit to a slightly non-swimmer friendly bay. So as this country gears up for its National Day, here is a post dedicated to one… Continue reading

yellow balloons

As a follow on from the last post. I stood and snapped away at I knew not what, into the glancing gleam of the evening sun. I just that out there were some… Continue reading

Friday feeling

It’s as though, after the cloud of mourning that has descended over some of Australia this week, nature feels like she needs to remind us of our blessings. It’s an evening of sailing… Continue reading

autumn sun

Sometimes it’s good to strip life back to the basics: feel the sun on your back, feel the salt air freshen it all up, let the salt water wash away the grumbles and… Continue reading

sky painter

It was a blissful way to unwind at the end of the day and the sky painter was out again.

sun & sea

It was a blissful day in Bundeena. The sun shone and souls topped up on what they needed to flourish. The salt water welcomed all and soothed as only it can.

little creatures

It’s officially been a year since I started blogging! Who knew… I remember how scared I was before I hit ‘publish’ for the first time, how ‘naked’ it felt and wholly superficial. It’s… Continue reading

bliss day

It was a gentle day, a day where I would tend to the little things. Here’s your window in:

free. daily.

Today of all days, as an icon of humanity and democracy and a man known for so many achievements on behalf of others passes, here is a little montage of daily freedoms: things… Continue reading

imperfect capture of a perfect morning

Sometimes the day is so stunning, you don’t know where to focus. And neither did my phone, apparently! Yet still I share as I hope that, beyond the blur, you see a day… Continue reading

the leftovers

There were some stragglers left over from my day in Manly, which I finally got round to playing with over the last couple of days. They aren’t perfect, but sometimes that makes the… Continue reading

there’s always a happy way

So my day started with a surprise hug from a wonderful soul that I am so blessed to have in my life. It helped me remember how lucky I am and we are.… Continue reading

there’s always time for a coffee

I’ve always loved the story of the professor who teaches everyone that, no matter how full you think your life/ vessel is, there’s always time for a coffee with friends. In the story,… Continue reading